Saturday, November 17, 2007

RSS feeds- Thing #8

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?
How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life?
How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?

RSS is a timesaver for people who need frequent updates on specific topics. I'm not sure how I will use this yet. Definately this is a great way to get your daily news fix quickly, by having NY Times, CNN and BBC World Service in one location. Maybe this isn't so useful for local news? If people become dependent on this technology for news, will they become more distanced from their neighborhood, their bourough, their town's latest news?

The only other thing I will use it for right away is to scan music blogs for free music. I have been just bookmarking sites in my browser, this tool could save me valuable seconds. Well, really I will be able to keep track of more blogs, faster.

For my professional life, I already see how Bloglines is a great way to scan book reviews quickly. Not to find specific reviews, though...just to see which books a variety of sources are reviewing.

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